The Note: Shutdown deal leaves 17 days to solve decades' worth of issues

The TAKE with Rick Klein

President Donald Trump and congressional leaders bought themselves 17 days to solve a set of thorny issues that haven’t been figured out for more than 17 years. (One of those days is Groundhog Day.)

The president clearly gets more out of the end of the shutdown, on terms agreed to by Senate Democrats, than Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. The lights are back on owing to nothing more than a promise to move to immigration next in the Senate – without a single guarantee about policy or process, not to mention the president’s positions.

What comes next?

It’s hard to find room for optimism for the Dreamers. Trump ignored their deadline in his statement. He is focused on border security – his campaign ad over the weekend claims that Democrats will be “complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants” – and already has a public commitment from Schumer for full border wall funding as part of a DACA deal.

Schumer and his fellow Democrats get to negotiate some more with "Jell-O", now with their own base livid about the shutdown showdown that fizzled out.

The deal to end the shutdown was predicated on trust. There’s not much of it left to go around inside or between the parties, and between virtually all political entities and the president.

The RUNDOWN with MaryAlice Parks

The blowback was big. Serious party infighting yesterday as progressives and Democratic-aligned civil rights groups balked at members of their own party in the Senate over the deal struck with Republicans.

The statements from political PACs on the far left – about some of their own Democrats – came in fast and pulled no punches. They called those Democrats who voted to reopen the government, “weak-kneed,” “centrist,” and baited into “empty promises.”

Sen. Chuck Schumer’s response? Being in the minority really stinks and their leverage was limited. Those Democrats who went along with deal talked about at least getting a commitment to bring up an immigration bill in the next few weeks at all and the success of moderate, bipartisan talks.

It was lost on no one that nearly every one of the rumored 2020 Democratic contenders in the Senate broke with Schumer. More valuable than donors, it’s grassroots door-knockers who will be key for anyone hoping to secure the party’s presidential nomination or the White House. A big question now is whether those young people and immigrant communities can still be won over with a “no” vote, or whether they will be too put off all together.

The TIP with Trish Turner

Turns out it wasn’t all talk behind the closed-door meetings between members of the bipartisan negotiation group attempting to find a DACA fix.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, used a Native American “talking stick” to keep order.

The senator said it was a gift from Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.

It was passed around the group - even tossed, at times - to a senator who wanted to talk. It was a way to keep order amongst notoriously-chatty senators.

“I always said, ‘If you can’t catch the stick, then you couldn’t talk’,” said Rep. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.

“The tribes use this [stick] in how they have order, and that was as close as we could get to order,” Manchin said.

The group even used basketballs to facilitate the conversation, Manchin recounted, particularly as the group got bigger and bigger, starting with 17 senators in recent days and ending Monday morning with 25.

“We went to the basketballs because the damn talking stick was too hard to catch,” Manchin said.



"Let it be known – we will be watching, and will make sure voters this November know if their representatives stood for Dreamers or for their deportations." – Lorella Praeli, director of immigration policy and campaigns at the American Civil Liberties Union.


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The Note is a daily ABC News feature that highlights the key political moments of the day ahead. Please check back tomorrow for the latest.

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