Chelsea Clinton and Trump Counselor Face Off on Twitter

Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway and Hillary Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, got into a Twitter tiff this afternoon.

“Very grateful no one seriously hurt in the Louvre attack ... or the (completely fake) Bowling Green Massacre. Please don't make up attacks,” Chelsea Clinton tweeted this morning, mocking Conway’s Thursday night mention of a “Bowling Green massacre” during an interview on MSNBC with Chris Matthews.

Conway had told Matthews, “I bet it's brand-new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered."

But there was never any “Bowling Green massacre,” so Conway tweeted a correction this morning, linking to a story about two al-Qaeda-Iraq terrorists who were discovered in 2009 living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

“On @hardball @NBCNews @MSNBC I meant to say "Bowling Green terrorists" as reported here: …”

Clinton’s advice to “please don't make up attacks” prompted Conway to take a swipe at her mom, Hillary, Trump’s former political opponent.

“Bosnia lie a great reminder. And 2 @ChelseaClinton & others, you can't "invent" quality candidates either. I misspoke; you lost the election.”

Conway was referring to the tale Hillary Clinton told about a visit to Bosnia in 1996.

“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base,” Clinton said during a speech at George Washington University in 2008.

But Clinton's account was fabricated, according to witnesses and reporters who followed the then-first lady’s travels in Bosnia. She later retracted the story, telling reporters, "No, I went to 80 countries, you know. I gave contemporaneous accounts, I wrote about a lot of this in my book. You know, I think that, a minor blip, you know, if I said something that, you know, I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so, if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement."

Chelsea Clinton typically refrains from making waves on Twitter but her politically charged Tweets today suggest she is taking a more aggressive role online. She also tweeted criticism of the Trump administration’s immigration executive order today, and retweeted a New York Times article on the perceived rift between the Trump administration and Australia.

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