The Note: Top Political Stories of the Day


Trump Calls President Obama 'a Phony' About 'Rigged Election' Talk. Donald Trump defended his characterization of the presidential election as “rigged” today, noting that his warnings of voter fraud in major cities echoed those of a prior presidential candidate: Barack Obama. “Do you remember what I said, that some of the voting is rigged? OK. Everybody knows. Check out Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis,” said Trump. “And [Obama] said, ‘This is a threat to our system. This is terrible. This is a threat.’” Trump then attempted to imitate the president, lowering his voice and speaking at a slower pace, saying, “I know because I come from Chicago.” “This guy is such a phony guy,” added Trump. “What a phony. What a phony group.” ABC’s ADAM KELSEY has more.

Clinton Ramps Up Surrogate Operation as Trump's Withers. Hillary Clinton has been bringing out the proverbial big guns when it comes to her surrogate supporters -- including President Obama, Michelle Obama and Joe Biden. At the same time, Donald Trump appears to be leaning less on the heavy hitters he touted earlier in the campaign, including former rivals Ben Carson and Chris Christie as well as Newt Gingrich. ABC’s MEGHAN KENEALLY has more on the candidates’ difference in their surrogate game.

WikiLeaks Emails Allegedly Show Clinton Campaign Consultant Considering 'Swift Boat'-Style Attack on Trump. The anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks posted on Monday an email exchange that it claims shows top Clinton campaign staffers discussing a “swift boat project” aimed at Trump. “I know you can’t look past Bernie and March primaries -- but who is in charge of the Trump swift boat project? Needs to be ready, funded and unleashed when we decide -- not a half assed scramble,” one of the campaign’s consultants, Joel Johnson, purportedly wrote to Clinton’s communications director, Jen Palmieri, in February. “Swift boat” refers to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group behind a coordinated campaign to discredit then-Sen. John Kerry during his presidential run in 2004. The phrase has become Washington-speak for an attack that is personal, ugly and often untrue. ABC’s MARYALICE PARKS has more.

The Possible Media Ambitions Behind the Trump Campaign's New Live Show. The new nightly Facebook Live show that Trump advisers have launched ahead of the final two weeks of the campaign may signal a foray into a formal media presence, but the transition from political campaign to cable news show — or even channel — has been tried before, without great success, ABC’s MEGHAN KENEALLY notes.


ABC’s CANDACE SMITH: There was a moment from Donald Trump's rally in Sanford, Florida where he shouted out the signs in the crowd. "I love those pink signs. Women for Trump. I love the signs behind me! Blacks for Trump. I like those signs. Blacks for Trump,” the Republican nominee said. I spotted only two black men seated behind Trump.

ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ: Hillary Clinton has kicked off the start of a two-day campaign swing through the state of Florida. During her remarks in Coconut Creek, Clinton continued with her focus on down ballot races by going after Marco Rubio. She added a new line about how she thinks Trump would have called George Washington "a loser" for not wanting to be a king. Clinton, who turns 69 tomorrow, was interrupted by a group of supporters who started singing the "Happy Birthday" song.

ABC’s INES DE LA CUETARA: In honor of Day 1 of the World Series, baseball fans among the press that travels with Mike Pence decided to roll him a baseball asking whether he’d be rooting for the Cubs or the Ohio Indians tonight. The Indiana governor pitched back the baseball with his response: "Two great teams, it's gonna be a great world series.. GO CUBS GO!" The baseball was signed "Mike Pence, life-long Cubs fan." According to Pence's spox Marc Lotter, Pence's grandfather immigrated to the U.S. from Ireland via Chicago. Pence's uncle was also a police officer in Chicago (Pence often talks about him on the trail). Growing up, Pence would go visit him once a year. It’s worth noting that Pence is making three stops in Ohio today.

ABC’s MATTHEW CLAIBORNE: There has been much speculation about what title former President Bill Clinton would take if his wife, Hillary Clinton, wins the White House. First Gentleman may be the odds on favorite. But today at a campaign stop in North Carolina, Clinton said he might like to be called "First Volunteer." "I don’t care what they call me as long as she wins," he said with a smile as he greeted supporters on a Kinston, North Carolina sidewalk. "I’ll be the First Volunteer. I hope to be the best free labor she’s got."

ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ and JOSH HASKELL: Hillary Clinton will attend her last high-dollar fundraiser of the campaign tonight in Miami, according to an aide. Since the start of her campaign, Hillary Clinton has headlined more than 350 fundraisers in 37 states plus Washington, DC and Puerto Rico. The Democratic nominee has spent nearly 200 days fundraising with some days overlap with campaign events. Also, Clinton has taken a total of 15 trips to California where she's raised money in Hollywood and Silicon Valley.


Bill Bradley Super PAC Launches Anti-Trump Ad in Ohio. Former Sen. Bill Bradley announced the creation of the 52nd Street Fund, LLC, an anti-Trump Super PAC today. The new group has launched a new TV and digital ad “Careful,” focusing on the possibility. WATCH:

New Pro-Trump Super PAC Ad in Spanish. Yesterday, CMAG caught a new TV ad from the pro-Trump superpac, Great America PAC. It is a Spanish language ad, not something the campaign has done yet. The ad lists negative things about Clinton including corruption, tyranny, the Clinton Foundation, and more. And at the end over that video of Clinton barking a dog, the ad says, “If you want the dog, accept the sleaze.”

Clinton Campaign Out with New TV Ad Featuring Gen. John Allen. The Clinton campaign released a new TV ad today featuring General John Allen (ret.). In the ad, Allen notes Donald Trump’s “complete ignorance” of what takes to defeat ISIS and says Clinton “really understands the threat” and “understands how to wield American power to defeat this threat and ultimately keep us safe.” The ad will air as part of an already existing ad buy in Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania along with national cable. WATCH:


“That last debate was like an early birthday present, right?” -- Hillary Clinton

HAPPENING TONIGHT (all times Eastern):

--6 PM - The Republican nominee Donald Trump continues his stump in Tallahassee, Florida.

--6 PM - Mike Pence holds an event in the swing state of Ohio, at a high school in Marietta.

--7:15 PM - Former president Bill Clinton hosts an early vote event in Greenville, North Carolina.

--8 PM - Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a strong critic of Donald Trump, campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Raleigh, North Carolina.

--8 PM - Tim Kaine is interviewed on The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC.


Mike Pence is slated to campaign in several key states tomorrow - Nevada, where the race is tight, Utah, and Colorado. Meanwhile, Donald Trump will be at the grand opening of his Washington D.C. hotel on Pennsylvania Ave, before heading to North Carolina for two rallies.


@TomLlamasABC: Trump Tallahassee event turning into mini Woodstock. Single lane of traffic for thousands of cars & now no walk ins allowed. @ABCPolitics

@BrodskyRobert: Boom. Colin Powell says he will vote for Hillary Clinton. Says will serve w/ distinction and cites experience and stamina

@kelleratlarge: It's on: "Most families would not allow their children to remain at the dinner table if they behaved as Mr. Trump does." - Bill Weld today

@PhilipRucker: Trump invites a Latino employee to mic to speak: "This guy better say good -- or I'll say, 'You're fired!'"

@mateagold: SCOOP: Trump halts big-money fundraising, cutting off cash to the party

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