HAPPENING TONIGHT -- Clinton, Trump to Trade Jokes at Al Smith Dinner After Nasty Debate. For one last time before Election Day, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will share a stage -- and it could be pretty awkward in the wake of a contentious debate Wednesday during which the candidates traded insults and never shook hands. Tonight, the two presidential nominees will attend the annual Alfred E. Smith dinner in Manhattan. The dinner -- a white-tie fundraiser put on by the Catholic Church, in honor of former New York Gov Al Smith -- is a longstanding tradition for presidential candidates. Part of the tradition of the event, ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ notes, is for the nominees to deliver humorous roasts about themselves and their opponents.
Trump Will 'Totally' Accept Election Results...'If I Win.' Speaking for the first time since the presidential debate last night, Donald Trump said he would “promise and pledge” to accept the results of the election with one major caveat: if he wins. “I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election — if I win,” Trump said at his rally Thursday in Delaware, Ohio. Today Trump said, “Of course, I would accept a clear election result.” He added, “But I would also reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result. ”
Michelle Obama Stumps for Clinton in Arizona. Michelle Obama slammed Trump today in Arizona, a state that has not voted for a Democrat since 1996 but polling shows is in play for Hillary Clinton. Contending that Trump "comes from a different place," the first lady worked to contrast the billionaire's upbringing against the life experience of Clinton, herself and President Barack Obama. "Perhaps living life high up in a tower in a world of exclusive clubs, measuring success by wins and losses, the number of zeroes in your bank account, perhaps you just develop a different set of values...Maybe that's why he demeans and humiliates women as if we're objects meant solely for pleasure and entertainment rather than human beings worthy of love and respect.” ABC’s JOHN PARKINSON and JOSH HASKELL have more.
ABC’s MARYALICE PARKS and MATTHEW CLAIBORNE: We often hear voters describe their perception that the Clinton world is too tangled, too shady, too confused with donations, gifts and the like. Today, another email from the Wikileaks dump seems to shows a key Clinton insider saying that he thinks it is too. ABC News has not verified the authenticity of the emails. In the email, Doug Band, a long time Clinton adviser, is seen complaining to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and Cheryl Mills, former State Chief of Staff and Clinton family attorney, about what he sees as the messy and improper relationship between President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. “Cvc [Chelsea] uses office space to run a business…I just don't think any of this is right,” Band writes.
ABC’s INES DE LA CUETARA: Mike Pence campaigning in Reno, Nevada, said he and Trump would accept the outcome of a "clear election result, but we also reserve the right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of questionable results." He preceded that by saying voter fraud is real and that evidence of it over the years has been "dramatic." He pointed to his own home state of Indiana as proof that some may be trying to rig the system.
ABC’s JESSICA HOPPER: Speaking to reporters following a rally in Charlotte, Tim Kaine reacted to Donald Trump’s latest comment that he would accept the election’s outcome if he won. Kaine read Trump’s words out loud and then paused for dramatic effect. “Well obviously Donald that is not accepting results. You gotta accept the results of this election, win or lose. Kaine added that he believes the public won’t challenge the election’s outcome.
ABC’s LISSETTE RODRIGUEZ: Fresh off the plane from last night’s debate in Las Vegas, NV, Ivanka Trump held a town hall in Wauwatosa, WI with Donald Trump supporters. The town hall mainly focused on her advocacy for working parents, school choice, and her father’s proposed policies for inner cities. However, one funny moment did come from the largely personal town hall when Ivanka joked they love her father’s lack of political correctness about 97 percent of the time. “He is not politically correct,” Ivanka Trump said. “And I think we love that about him right. 97 percent of the time. But look politically correct, the word political is in there. He’s not a politician.”
New Priorities TV Ad Targets African American Voters. Priorities USA also released a new TV ad today targeting African American voters titled “Least Racist.” The ad is part of a “multimillion dollar buy” and will run in Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida from now until Election Day, according to the group. It includes some of Trump’s questionable statements throughout his campaign, including calling himself the “least racist person,” when he shouted out “my African American” to a rally attendee, and more. WATCH:
Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC Out with 3 Web Ads. The pro-Trump, anti-Clinton super PAC, Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC began running three more digital ads today. The group says the ads will target swing state and undecided voters. The first it “How to Lie’ consists of the Gowdy Comey hearing and a graphic at the end calls her an “extremely dangerous careless psychopathic liar.” WATCH: The second is “More Important Than Justice” and is their second ad to mention the FALN terrorist group, accusing the Clintons of pardoning terrorists to gain votes within the Puerto Rican community when she ran for US Senate in New York. WATCH: The third one is “Saving Her Job While Losing Yours,” hits Clinton on trade, specifically NAFTA. WATCH:
“You know, you used to criticize me for even talking to the Russians. Now suddenly you're okay with your nominee having a bromance with Putin.” -- President Obama on Donald Trump
HAPPENING TONIGHT (all times Eastern):
--7 PM - Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence holds a campaign rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
--9 PM - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton deliver speeches at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York City.
@KFaulders: Trump's prepared remarks include an alternate line to "if I win" saying he will "w/o delay or hesitation" accept Clinton's concession speech
@jesshop23: When I asked @timkaine if Clinton campaign is preparing for Trump to file a legal challenge, he said:"We’re preparing for any eventuality"
@VaughnHillyard: Mike Pence for last 2 wks hasn't told campaign crowds to volunteer for campaign/make phone calls/canvass. Instead, sign up as poll watchers.
@aseitzwald: Michelle Obama in AZ on Trump: "To him, most of America is 'them.'"
@ABCLiz: So, the Clinton camp has organized "Nasty Women & Bad Hombres" events in CO tonight & launched a "Hombres for Hillary" effort in Toledo, OH
from ABC News: Politics
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