Trump Doubles Down on Muslim Ban in Wake of Orlando Shooting

Donald Trump, in the wake of the horrific Orlando shooting, doubled down on his proposal to suspend immigration from the Middle East and said that it only should be lifted if a "perfect" screening process is in place.

He condemned the attack and began the speech with a moment of silence.

"The horror is beyond description. The families of these wonderful people are totally devastated and they will be forever," Trump said. "Likewise, our whole nation and, indeed, the whole world is devastated."

The presumptive Republican nominee delivered his address in New Hampshire, the state of his first primary victory, at Saint Anselm’s College.

He attacked what he says is a dysfunctional immigration system and falsely said that the shooter, Omar Mateen, was born in Afghanistan, when he was born in New York.

"The killer whose name I will not use or ever say was born in Afghan of Afghan parents who emigrated to the United States. His father published support for the Afghan Taliban, a regime which murders those who don't share its radical views."

Mateen's father had a talk show in the US which a former Afghan official described as pro-Taliban. But a former colleague refuted that, calling it pro-American.

Trump went on to reiterate his support for a ban on Muslims coming from any nation with ties to terrorism -- a proposal which courted controversy when he first suggested it.

“We must find out what is going on. We have to do it. It will be lifted this ban when and as a nation we're in a position to properly and perfectly screen these people coming in to our country,” Trump said.

He also said he stood in solidarity with Orlando’s “LGBT” community.

“It's an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity. It's an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country," Trump said.

The speech initially was meant to be a speech on “all things Clinton” but Trump postponed that speech in the wake of the tragedy, promising on Monday that he will deliver that speech “very very soon.” Yet still, the remnants of that speech seemed to make their way into his remarks, as he attacked his Democratic rival several times by name.

"The bottom line is that Hillary supports policies that bring the threat of radical Islam into America and allow it to grow overseas and it is growing,” he said.

Trump went on to call for a strengthening of intelligence and immigration communities and called for President Obama to release the immigration histories of all individuals implicated in terrorist activities.

"The public has a right to know-how these people got here, how they came on to this great land, why are they here?" he asked.

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from ABC News: Politics

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