The Note: The Warren Factor The Note: The Warren Factor

--CLINTON AND WARREN HIT THE TRAIL IN OHIO: Hillary Clinton hits the campaign trail this morning with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for their first public appearance together this election, ABC’s JOSH HASKELL and LIZ KREUTZ note. The two will campaign in Cincinnati, Ohio. Warren endorsed Clinton two weeks ago becoming the last female democratic senator to endorse the former Secretary of State after Warren had stayed on the sidelines during the primary. When Warren, one of the faces of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, endorsed Clinton, she said she was “ready to get into this fight” and days later the two held a private meeting at Clinton’s DC home.

--UNITED AGAINST TRUMP: Warren and Clinton both share a desire to do everything they can to “stop Donald Trump” from becoming president, and, according to a campaign aide, they will both warn of the risks Trump would have on the economy during their event today, according to HASKELL and KREUTZ. "The Republicans underestimated and underestimated and underestimated Donald Trump. Look where that got them. They kept saying, no, no, no, that's not going to happen, we don't have to worry about that,” Warren said when she endorsed Clinton. "Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this country. He is a threat economically to this country. But he is a threat to who we are as a people. There is an ugly side to Donald Trump that we all have to stop and think about what's going on here.” As Clinton and Warren’s relationship continues to evolve and Warren’s stock grows as a possible choice for vice president, it appears the senator is diving head first into helping elect Clinton. She even stopped by Clinton’s Brooklyn presidential campaign headquarters 10 days ago to give staffers a pep talk telling them "Don’t screw this up.” 

--CLINTON OPENS 12-POINT LEAD OVER TRUMP: Hillary Clinton surged to a broad advantage against Donald Trump in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, capitalizing on Trump’s recent campaign missteps. According to ABC’s GARY LANGER, two-thirds of Americans see him as biased against groups such as women, minorities or Muslims, and a new high, 64 percent, call Trump unqualified to serve as president. These and other doubts about Trump have produced a sharp 14-point swing in preferences among registered voters, from +2 points for Trump in mid-May, after he clinched the GOP nomination, to +12 points for Clinton now, 51-39 percent. That snaps the race essentially back to where it was in March.

--ANALYSIS -- ABC’s RICK KLEIN: Live by the polls, die by the polls, kill the polls that give you bad news. As Donald Trump fights polling he views as unfair, the top line numbers in the new ABC News/Washington Post poll are the least of Trump’s problems. The poll shows that two-thirds of voters see Trump as biased against women and minorities, and two-thirds think his comments about the judge in the Trump University case were racist. Sixty-four percent see him as unqualified for the presidency, and 70 percent say the idea of Trump as president gives them anxiety. Given those numbers, a 51-39 Hillary Clinton edge actually looks narrow. Clearly, there’s room for movement in either direction for Trump. But he’s dug himself a hole that suggests he could dip significantly lower before he’s done litigating polling quibbles.



CLINTON HITS TRUMP FOR ‘BOMBASTIC’ REACTION TO BREXIT. Hillary Clinton on Sunday cautioned that the United Kingdom's "Brexit" decision to leave the European Union serves as a "reminder that what happens around the world has consequences that can hit home quickly and affects our lives and our livelihoods." Without mentioning his name, ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ reports, the Democratic presidential candidate went on to hit Donald Trump for his "bombastic" reaction to the vote, which many world leaders and economists had warned against.

CLINTON TAKES AIM AT DONALD TRUMP’S POSITION ON BREXIT IN NEW TV AD. A new week, a new Hillary Clinton TV spot taking aim at Donald Trump. Titled "Tested," the 30-second spot focuses on the presumptive GOP presidential nominee's response to Britons voting last week in favor of leaving the European Union, ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ notes. "Every president is tested by world events, but Donald Trump thinks about how his golf resort can profit from them," says a monotone voiceover, referring to Trump visiting Trump Turnberry in Scotland a day after the Brexit vote, and expressing how an EU-free United Kingdom may benefit his businesses.

HAMILTON’ MUSICAL TEAMS UP WITH CLINTON FOR JULY FUNDRAISER. Hillary Clinton is heading to Broadway. The Hillary Victory Fund -- a joint fundraising committee between the DNC and the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate's campaign -- will host a special matinee performance on July 12 of the Tony award-winning (and perpetually sold-out) musical "Hamilton." According to a Clinton aide, the campaign has rented out the Richard Rodgers Theatre and purchased every seat in the 1,300-seat venue. The campaign did not disclose the cost of such endeavour. ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ has more.

TRUMP SHIFTS MUSLIM BAN TO ONLY FOCUS ON ‘TERRORIST’ NATIONS. Donald Trump said Saturday it "wouldn't bother me" if Scottish Muslims came to the United States, seeming to move away from the temporary ban on all Muslims coming to the United States that he has called for throughout his presidential campaign, ABC’s KATHERINE FAULDERS reports. In interviews at his golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland, Trump went further, saying that the ban would be focused on "terrorist" countries, shifting from his previous proposal of "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

TRUMP SLAMS CLINTON, DOWNPLAYS BREXIT’S POTENTIAL EFFECT ON THE US. Donald Trump had dinner with British media mogul Rupert Murdoch on Saturday, following a visit to his golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland, one day after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Trump earlier chastised Hillary Clinton for failing to appear on camera to talk about the vote, and maintained confidence the vote wouldn't drastically impact the global economy. "She was 100 percent wrong and she doesn't want to go on camera because she is embarrassed," Trump told reporters on the visit to his golf course, according to ABC’s ALANA ABRAMSON and KATHERINE FAULDERS.

MITCH MCCONNELL DECLINES TO SAY WHETHER TRUMP IS QUALIFIED TO BE POTUS. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declined Sunday to say if Donald Trump, his party's presumptive presidential candidate, is qualified to be president. "Well, look, I think it's no question that he's made a number of mistakes over the last few weeks. I think they're beginning to right the ship. It's a long time until November. And the burden obviously will be on him to convince people that he can handle this job," McConnell said on ABC's "This Week." Pressed by ABC Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on whether he thinks Trump is qualified, ABC’s NICKI ROSSOLL notes, McConnell replied, "I leave it up to the American people to decide."

CLINTON SURROGATE TOM PEREZ CALLS TRUMP A ‘CHAOS CANDIDATE.’ U.S. Labor Secretary and Hillary Clinton supporter Tom Perez railed against presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Sunday, calling him divisive and a “chaos candidate.” “The differences between Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump in terms of temperament, in terms of values couldn’t be more stark,” Perez said Sunday in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.” ABC’s BENJAMIN SIEGEL has more.



“SYMONE SANDERS QUITS AS NATIONAL PRESS SECRETARY FOR BERNIE SANDERS,” by Fusion’s ANDREW JOYCE. “Bernie Sanders’ national press secretary, one of the most prominent women of color and young people in presidential politics, said Sunday that she has left the campaign. Symone D. Sanders revealed the decision to Fusion before appearing on a panel of women in politics at Politicon, a convention in Los Angeles. She said that she was not let go and that leaving the campaign was her decision. On the panel, she identified herself as the former press secretary ‘as of today.’ Symone Sanders, 26, joined the Bernie Sanders campaign in August 2015 and quickly became one of the highest-profile black surrogates working in the presidential campaign.”



@realDonaldTrump: The media is unrelenting. They will only go with and report a story in a negative light. I called Brexit (Hillary was wrong), watch November

@bykowicz: Trump emails: Can you spare $10 to help elect a billionaire? (from @AP)

@danmericaCNN: One Trump supporter outside the Clinton-Warren event is holding a sign that says "Welcome Pocahontas"

@timkmak: Experts: Trump lying about $3.3 mil one-day email fundraising haul -- his operation simply couldn't pull that off

@washingtonpost: How one political news site decided to stand out: By not covering the 2016 race. @sulliview column:

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