The Gun Control Proposal Congress Could Agree On

While the Senate is not expected to pass any of the four gun safety measures coming to the floor for votes this evening, lawmakers continue to work on a more narrow proposal that could receive enough bipartisan support to advance.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine is working on a measure that would block people on the Transportation Security Administration’s “no-fly” list from buying firearms. The measure also includes a "selectee" list that would subject individuals to additional screening before boarding a plane.

The proposal would target a smaller universe of potential gun buyers than the Democratic amendment from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California).

In a nod to Republicans’ concerns about due process for those mistakenly blocked from buying guns, Collins’ proposal would allow individuals to appeal decisions blocking purchases, and it would award attorney fees if they are successful.

The Maine Republican’s plan would also include a provision that would alert the FBI if someone who has been flagged on either the "no-fly" or "selectee" list buys a gun within the last five years. This “lookback” proposal – which appears in some form in the Feinstein bill -- would have flagged Orlando gunman Omar Mateen, who spent 10 months on a terror watch list.

Members of Congress may also agree on providing the FBI with additional counterterror resources. House and Senate appropriators have signaled a willingness to consider providing more funding to law enforcement after the Orlando shooting last Sunday.

Beyond votes this week, advocates on both sides of the gun safety debate will continue to make their case on the issue.

“Ultimately, the only way that you win this issue is by building a political infrastructure around the country that rivals that of the gun lobby,” Sen. Chris Murphy, (D-Connecticut), told ABC’s Jon Karl on Sunday.

Chris Cox, the top lobbyist for the NRA, said on “This Week” the group is also planning to support like-minded candidates on the ballot this year.

“We're going to use that money to get out and communicate with gun owners across this country and … let them know what's at stake in this election,” Cox said.

ABC's Ali Rogin contributed to this report.

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