Matt Spetalnick
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that Israel will take 'whatever action is necessary' to halt Hamas cross-border rocket attacks from Gaza and restore calm but insisted his forces were doing their utmost to avoid civilian casualties there.
'We try to target military targets and unfortunately there are civilian casualties which we regret and we don't seek,' Netanyahu told CNN shortly after an Israeli attack on a Gaza neighborhood killed at least 62 Palestinians.
Israeli tanks are seen along the border with Gaza July 20, 2014
He accused Hamas of deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and of using Gaza residents as 'human shields.' Asked how long it would take Israel to complete an operation it says is intended to destroy Hamas weapons tunnels, Netanyahu said it was being done 'fairly quickly,' but gave no time frame.
Asked whether Israel intends to reoccupy the Gaza Strip, he said: 'Nobody wants to go to excessive military lengths.'
Palestinians flee the Shujayeh neighbourhood during heavy Israeli shelling in Gaza City July 20, 2014.
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