LIVE UPDATES: Two IDF soldiers killed in Gaza, dozens injured

Israel's Operation Protective Edge entered its 19th day on Saturday, marking the 9th day of the IDF's ground incursion into the Gaza Strip.

Two soldiers were killed and another 35 were injured in fighting in Gaza Friday evening. One of the deceased was Staff Sgt. Guy Boyland, a 21-year-old combat engineer from Ginosar. The families were notified. Since Operation Protective Edge began 37 IDF officers and soldiers were killed.

The IDF spokesman issued a statement confirming earlier reports that a 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire was agreed upon. According to the statement the cease-fire will begin at 8 A.M.

Two Palestinians were killed near the Qalandiyah checkpoint in the West Bank and over 200 were wounded, many of them by live IDF fire, when some 10,000 protesters marched from Ramallah toward Jerusalem late on Thursday night. Israeli authorities say live fire was fired at IDF troops from with the crowd. Four Palestinians have been killed during Friday demonstrations.

In Gaza, the Palestinian death toll in Gaza since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge surpassed the 800 mark, most of them since Israel entered Gaza a week ago.

Sgt. Oron Shaul, previously declared missing, was officially declared 'killed in action' by the IDF. Israel military fatalities stand at 35 since the operation commenced. 134 soldiers are currently hospitalized due to wounds incurred in the fighting, and one soldier is missing.

Israel asserted Thursday that the hospital it struck the day before was empty of patients and being used for missile attacks, while Palestinians asserted that 15 people were killed when a UNRWA school was hit by artillery fire on Thursday.


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5:36 A.M. IDF Spokesperson issued a statement saying that two soldiers were killed in fighting in Gaza Friday evening. One of the deceased was Staff Sgt. Guy Boyland, a 21-year-old combat engineer from Ginosar. In addition, three soldiers sustain serious injuries, 13 sustained moderate injuries and an additional 19 soldiers sustained light injuries. The families were notified. Since Operation Protective Edge began 37 IDF officers and soldiers were killed. (Gili Cohen)

4:50 A.M. Rocket sirens sound in several towns on the Gaza border.

2:24 A.M. Three rockets intercepted over Ashkelon. (Shirly Seidler)

1:55 A.M. Rocket sirens sound in the Ashkelon area.

12:55 A.M. IDF forces stationed in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip continued bombing a hospital in the area before midnight Friday. There are approximately 60 medical staff members in the hospital, in addition to three patients and two international solidarity activists. Several people were injured in the fire including one swede. Most of the patients were already evacuated from the premises.

'It's now chaos, the military is shelling directly at us. There are two patients on the second floor and we think they're okay, but we can't move them easily as they're bed-bound. I'm bleeding from a head wound and there's another person injured. People are very frightened,' Fred Ekblad, a Swedish activist said. (Amira Hass)

12:26 A.M. A senior Israeli official tells Haaretz that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that Israel will begin a 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza starting at 7 A.M. Saturday. The official went on to explain that the cease-fire was intended to allow the Palestinian civilian population to obtain food and water and to restock the hospitals with drugs, as well as to allow international aid organizations to provide humanitarian aid. (Barak Ravid)

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